Luv and Learning

Luv and Learning

Friday, September 24, 2010

Another week complete

maelin being silly at lunch...I think every picture of her will be with this very face for the next year! LOL

Shea busy with science
Mylee is working on division with remainders.  Lots of dry erase board writing required! :)

Spelling tests on the computer today.  Shea and I are working on some phonics and study games for his spellings.  Seems to be making a big difference.  Today's score 18 out of 20. Yay!

Lunch today was a mexican fiesta including taquitos, beans, chips and salsa.  Didn't have cilantro for fresh salsa but the kids seemed satisfied with Pace for the day.  (they are food snobs so you never know) haha

This creature came scooting around the corner of the couch today...too funny! Any guesses as to who it is?!!

Shea has been waiting for Walmart to get some more slingshots.  Kevin took him to check today and he had luck!  built in fun for the weekend.  As Maelin would say, "Bye, Cya."

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